Naser Ka’abneh

You will not find peace and relaxation unless you are in nature and the wilderness.
Naser Ka’abneh is a tour guide from a Bedouin community with a comprehensive knowledge of the Bedouin customs, traditions and lifestyle. “I did not learn how to camp and hike in the desert at schools or universities. This is how my life has been since my childhood; living in the desert, moving from one place to another and taking care of sheep and camels which made me able to walk long distances in high temperatures.” Being a guide not only gives Naser a chance to practice his hobby of wandering in nature but as well brings joy of sharing the Bedouin culture with visitors. It is very important for Naser that hikers following him receive sufficient information, have an enjoyable journey and feel safe.
At the beginning, Naser got involved in the way-marking of The Palestinian Heritage Trail in the area of Jericho and Jerusalem’s Wilderness. Then he started to guide groups along these sections of the trail. In 2016, he became a Ministry of Tourism licensed community trekking guide.
Naser describes The Palestinian Heritage Trail as “a national trail that links many different cultures among the Palestinian people and passes through different landscapes that provide us with a very beautiful biodiversity.”