Jameel Hamadin

“We reach where the limit of our vision reaches.”
Jameel Hamadeen comes from the Al-Jahaleen Bedouin tribe and lives in the Sea Level Community, in the proximity of the Nabi Musa Sanctuary in the Jericho Region. His origins go back to the desert of the Negev, from where the Jahalin tribes immigrated in 1948. As a member of the Bedouin community, Jameel loves the desert and freedom. Throughout his life, Jameel has experienced all of the unique aspects of Bedouin society. “I am interested in preserving the culture and customs of the Bedouin community and showing the world all its spectrum,” says Jameel. The Bedouin society is one of the communities of Palestine with a specific lifestyle and culture which needs to be highlighted. “Because Bedouin community suffers from various threats, I’am contributing to enhancing tourism in our society to improve the situation for Bedouins by welcoming and hosting visitors (local and foreigners) here,” says Jameel.
Because he was born and raised in the wilderness and desert, Jameel has vast experience in this environment. Jameel also loves adventure, nature, history and geography. Besides his constant hunger for knowledge, he is keen on community service and volunteering. Jameel studied eco-tourism at Dar Al-Kalima University College in Bethlehem and passed a Palestine Ministry of Tourism exam to become a licensed tour guide. In 2018, he went to Jordan to train with the Royal Jordanian Society for the Conservation of Nature in order to learn more about climate change and the concept of natural reserves. He also was trained in Wilderness First Aid, provided by the The Palestinian Heritage Trail. His favourite hiking spot is Wadi Mukalek, the home to the Milaagi spring. Today, Wadi Mukalak is rarely visited, but is a hidden treasure of nature and history, home to hosts of desert plants and wildlife, and once part of Palestine’s historic pilgrim route with the ruins of the Mukalak monastery built into its cliffs.